Wang Liangliang
Publish Date:2015/06/15 Views:


Name: WANG Liangliang

Present Appointment:  Ph.D Candidature

Contact Information: 
Department of Architecture 
School of Design and Environment 
National University of Singapore 
4, Architecture Drive , Singapore 117566 
T: (65)94336376

e-mail :

Research Areas:

Urban design strategies to respond to climate change

Sustainable urban development

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations

Teaching Areas:



Urban design and theory

Architecture design

Sustainable urban development

Academic/Professional Qualifications:


§   BA, Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China.


§   MA, Architecture, Tianjin University, China


§   Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Xiamen University, China.


§   PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore, Singapore 



§   In 2002, Excellent Student Scholarship, School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology.

§   National University of Singapore Research Scholarship (2009-2013)

§   Best Paper Award for the 7th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism(IFoU) CREATIVE RENAISSANCE,Taiwan in theme of “Harmony and Eco-friendliness in Urban Living”,2013.

Career History:


§   2005-2009, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Xiamen University, China.

§   Teaching Assistant, AR2221 History and Theory of Southeast Asian Architecture, Department of Architecture, Semester 1 2010-2011

§   Organizing Committee Member, East Asian Architecture Culture International Conference: “ South of East Asia: Re-addressing East Asian Architecture and Urbanism”, Semester 2 2009-2010, Semester 1-2 2010-2011

Professional/Consulting Activities:


§   In 2004, won Prize of Honor in the First China International Architectural Art Biyearly Exhibition “Architecture/non-architecture” International Students Architecture Design Competition.

§   In 2005, took second prize in the National Design Contest of “Guiyang Downtown Central Business District”.

§   In 2005, guided students to win the third prize in “China World Architecture Expo Garden International Architecture Design Competition”. (first prize vacant)

§   In 2006, won first prize in Planning and Architectural Design Bid Invitation Contest for Xiamen Datong Middle School Qianpu Campus, plan implemented.

§   In 2007, won first prize in Planning and Architectural Design Bid Invitation Contest for Xiamen Tong’an Center of Culture, plan implemented.

§   In 2009,

§   In 2010, won first prize in Planning and Architecture Design Bid Invitation Contest for Xiamen Campus of Huaqiao University (Second phase)

Major Publications:


First Author

§   Wang Liangliang (2005). The Relationship of Functional Structure and Space Modality in the Urban Downtown Renewal. Journal of Tianjin University, 2005.

§   Wang L., and Wang W., (2007)Jade carving and human educating: Datong middle school new area project design, Xiamen, Chinese and Overseas Architecture 2007(4),

§   Wang L., and Wang W., (2008) ALL Movements are Dancing: The Design of Tong'an Culture Center in Xiamen,Chinese and Overseas Architecture 2008 (5)

§   Wang L. , Heng C.K. and Han J., (2012) The Response Strategies of Coastal Development to the Possible Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Related Extreme Events: Case Study of Singapore,  2012 1st International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design (ISED), Shanghai.

§   Wang L., and Heng C.K., (2013) Research of Optimum Building Coverage Ratio in Coastal areas to Respond Extreme Sea Level Events,2013the 7th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism(IFoU)CREATIVE RENAISSANCE, Taiwan.

§   Wang L., Han J. and Newman., (2013) Resilient cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change and the Development Pattern of Cities in China, Urban Planning International 2013(6)

§   Wang L. , Han J. and Heng C.K., (2014) Transformational Adaptation to Extreme Sea Level Events: Optimum Building Coverage Ratio Range in Coastal Areas , 2014 Planning Congress and GPN Congress of Planning Institute of Australia (PIA), Sydney.



§   Han J., Wang L,. and Heng C.K., (2012) A Long-Term Tourism Scheme Within a Networked Urban Regeneration Strategy for Historic Quarters, 2012 International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Barcelona, Spain.

§   Han J., Wang L,. and Heng C.K., (2013)Addressing Social Revitalization in Conservation of Historic Quarters in China: A Social Capital Initiated Urban Conservation Approach, 2013 6th International Association for China Planning (IACP), Shanghai.
