Chen Dongxia
Publish Date:2015/06/11 Views:


Name: CHEN Dongxia

Gender: Female

Degree: Doctor of Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering

Title: Assistant Professor

Research Interests:

      Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Retaining and Protection of Foundation Excavations, Ground Treatment of Buildings.

Courses Taught:

      Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Ground Treatment

Office:  A404 Building (Zengchengkui), Xiamen University

Tel(O): (+86)13015915588


Education Background:

      Ph D, from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou , China.

Professional Experience:

2000.7-2002.7  Assistant  Lecturer   Xiamen University2002.8-        Assistant  Professor  Xiamen University.

Honors and Awards:

      Registered Civil Engineer ( Geotechnical Engineering)

Research Grants:

      Currently host a project supported by a grant from the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province. Have participated in and completed several projects supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)  and the Key Programs of Science and Technology of Fujian Province.

Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books)

      1. Chen D.X., Gong X.N. (2014), "Experimental and modeling of soil-water characteristic curve of unsaturated residual soil", Journal of Rock and Soil Mechanics, 35(7) :1885-1891, 2014.

      2. Chen D.X., Gong X.N., Ma K. (2014), " Variation of the shear strength of Xiamen unsaturated residual soils with water content " Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 35(1), 2014. In Press.  

