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北京大学三好学生(TOP 10%)                                        

北京大学中营奖学金(TOP 10%)                                      

北京大学优秀共青团员(TOP 10%)                                    

北京大学优秀学生干部(TOP 3%)                                     





1. 中国国家社会科学基金重大项目: 《中国相对发达地区基本公共服务均等化与可及性的理论与实践》), 20ZDA036, 2020-2022, 800,000RMB. (参与)

2. Socioeconomic disparities and health behaviors: built environment as a mediator, seed fund for basic research, The University of Hong Kong, 201711159217, 2017-2020, 47,600 HKD. (香港大学种子基金, 参与,排名第二).

3. 同济大学, 建筑与城市规划学院建成环境技术中心2021年度开放课题, 健康老龄化背景下社区建成环境对老年人步行活动的非线性作用机制研究(20210202)(2021-092023-08)(参与,排名第三).


1. Li M, Liu J*, Lin Y, Xiao L, Zhou J. Revitalizing historic districts: Identifying built environment predictors for street vibrancy based on urban sensor data[J]. Cities, 2021, 117: 103305. (SSCI, 中科院一区, JCR一区, 通讯作者)

2. Liu J, Wang B*, Xiao L*. Non-linear associations between built environment and active travel for working and shopping: An extreme gradient boosting approach[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2021, 92: 103034. (SSCI, 中科院一区, JCR一区)

3. Xiao L, Lo S, Liu J*, Zhou J, Li Q. Nonlinear and synergistic effects of TOD on urban vibrancy: Applying local explanations for gradient boosting decision tree[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 72: 103063. (SCI, 中科院一区, JCR一区, 建筑科学T1期刊, 通讯作者)

4. Liu J, Xiao L, Yang L, Zhou J*. A tale of two social groups in Xiamen, China: Trip frequency of migrants and locals and its determinants[J]. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2020, 20: 213-224. (SSCI, JCR二区)

5. Xiao L, Lo S, Zhou J, Liu J*, Yang L. Predicting vibrancy of metro station areas considering spatial relationships through graph convolutional neural networks: The case of Shenzhen, China[J]. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2021, 48(8): 2363-2384. (SSCI, JCR二区, 通讯作者)

6. Yang L, Liu J*, Liang Y, Lu Y, Yang H. Spatially varying effects of street greenery on walking time of older adults. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021, 10(9): 596. (SCI, JCR二区, 通讯作者)

7. Liu J, Zhou J, Xiao L*. Built environment correlates of walking for transportation: Differences between commuting and non-commuting trips[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2021(14): 1129-1148 (SSCI, JCR四区)

8. Wang B, Lei Y, Liu J*, Wei C. Elaborating spatiotemporal associations between built environment and urban vibrancy: The case of Guangzhou City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2022, (Accepted, in press) (SCI, JCR三区, 通讯作者)

9. Liu J, Yang L, Xiao L*, Tao Z. Perceived Neighborhood Environment Impacts on Health Behavior, Multi-Dimensional Health, and Life Satisfaction[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10: 850923. (SSCI, JCR一区)

10. Xiao L, Yang L, Liu J*, Yang H. Built environment correlates of the propensity of walking and cycling[J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(20): 8752. (SCI + SSCI, JCR二区, 通讯作者)

11. Yang L, Tang X, Yang H, Meng F, Liu J*. Using a system of equations to assess the determinants of the walking behavior of older adults. Transactions in GIS, 2022 (In press) (SSCI, JCR三区)

12. Wang B, Yang X, Liu J*. Visualizing the spatial patterns of public responses towards a pandemic outbreak using Internet search data[J]. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2021, 8(1): 302-304. (ESCI, 通讯作者)

13. 刘吉祥, 肖龙珠*, 周江评, 郭源园, 杨林川. 建成环境与青少年步行通学的非线性关系——基于极限梯度提升模型的研究[J]. 地理科学进展, 2022, 41(2): 251-263. (CSSCI, CSCD)

14. 杨林川, 唐祥龙, 刘吉祥*. 积极应对人口老龄化战略下老年人日常移动性的建成环境影响要素识别[J]. 上海城市规划, 2022(1): 137-143. (中文核心期刊, 通讯作者)

15. 刘吉祥, 肖龙珠, 王波*. 建成环境对老年人活力出行的影响——基于极端梯度提升决策树的研究[J]. 科技导报, 2021, 39(8): 102-111. (CSCD)

16. 刘吉祥, 周江评, 肖龙珠*, 杨林川. 建成环境对步行通勤通学的影响——以中国香港为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(6): 807-817. (CSSCI, CSCD).

17. 刘吉祥, 周江评*. 迈向健康导向的城市规划: 来自美国健康影响评估的启示[J]. 城乡规划, 2018(3): 4. (中国科技核心期刊)
